Gewonde stad Wounded City
In de eerste maand van de Grote Oorlog, toen Meaulnes’ auteur Alain-Fournier sneuvelde, speelt Gewonde stad (2014, Bezige Bij Antwerpen). De vernietiging van Gerolfs thuisstad Leuven wordt opgeroepen in woord en beeld.
The first months of the Great War, in which Meaulnes' author Alain-Fournier perished, were devastating for Gerolf's hometown Leuven. He evokes the dramatic events in Wounded City’(published in Dutch as Gewonde Stad, 2014, Bezige Bij Antwerpen).
Movie (15 min.) click here.

From 'Wounded city', canvas, 115 x 115 cm, 2013

From 'Wounded city', canvas, 80x 120 cm, 2013

From 'Wounded city', plexiglass, 21 x 30 cm, 2012

From 'Wounded city', paper, 21 x 38 cm, 2012

From 'Wounded city', 75 x 115 cm, 2012

From 'Wounded city', wood, 21 x 31, 2013

From 'Wounded city', canvas, 95 x 140 cm, 2013

From 'Wounded city', paper, 44 x 65 cm, 2013